November came and went, in what seems like the blink of an eye. The cold weather has arrived, and we've even had our first couple sprinkles of snow in Victoria, BC (a real rarity on our typical island paradise)! It's been a very busy year for us, and preparing for holiday markets has been no exception. We had all sorts of grand ideas for Christmas-themed products, elaborate market stall decorations, and online holiday posts, but alas, the increase in sales of our year-round products have kept us from delving into any specialty goods (a very nice problem to have)! We've tucked all our grand plans away for next Christmas, and instead are focusing our efforts this month on wrapping up our local holidays markets and ensuring we're well-stocked for the upcoming year.

Last month we wrapped up our monthly eco-challenge, cleverly titled "purge-ember", in which we dedicated ourselves to purging at least 1 item a day that we no longer want, need, or use. At the end of the month we are happy to say we managed to sell, gift, donate, or recycle upwards of 100 items from our home! We're breathing easier, feeling more organized, and have more space to get creative with our business. We highly recommend you try it out!
This month marks the last of our eco-challenges (how has it been 6 months already?!), and we are only slightly regretting our choice of challenge for December - just kidding. Kind of.

For our final challenge, we are hitting the streets (well, technically, the sidewalks) as we commit to utilizing our vehicle less and our own two feet more. This month's challenge is aptly named NO-DRIVE DECEMBER. For this whole month, we will be walking, biking, or possibly skipping just about everywhere we can! This will not only cut down on our use of fossil fuels, but will simultaneously boost our natural vitamin D stores and encourage extra exercise during this indulgent time of year! Luckily we have a household elf/co-owner of VIO who loves Christmas more than any other time of year, and getting outside in the cold weather to see frost on the windows, lights on the trees, and possibly even snow on the ground is about as good as it gets for him.
This month, we'd like to encourage you to consider a nice afternoon stroll to grab your groceries for dinner, a bundled late night walk to drink hot chocolates in the inner harbour, a quick bike ride to work, or sourcing your holiday gifts from local farmers markets in your area to eliminate the need to drive around to various malls and big-box stores! You would be surprised at how easily it becomes second nature to consider a more local alternative rather than driving somewhere further away.

If you need any ideas for holiday gifts, Vancouver Island's Own has your back! Our small jars of trail mixes make the perfect stocking stuffers, or you can grab a large jar of granola to stick under the tree! Our seasonal Chai Pumpkin Pie granola has been a best-seller throughout fall, and our Freeze-dried Pumpkin Pie Squares are a uniquely satisfying snack for that special pumpkin-lover in your life. If you need a kick of heat in the winter before heading outdoors, grab a handful of our Winter Warmer Trail Mix! With its delicious cinnamon-roasted almonds, cayenne-roasted pumpkin seeds, and crystallized ginger cubes, it's sure to warm you from head to toe while fueling your tummy for an afternoon of outdoor activity! Be sure to stock up for yourself and your loved ones over the holiday season, these satisfying snacks are too good to pass up!
Happy Holidays!
With love,
Vancouver Island’s Own is a family-owned and operated business specializing in organic and vegan gourmet snack foods, handmade with love in Victoria, BC. We believe in encouraging others to explore and connect with the environment in order to ensure our collective well-being.

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