Hiking Vancouver Island
Vancouver Island is home to numerous, iconic hiking trails, including the Juan de Fuca Trail, Westcoast Trail, and Vancouver Island Trail. Having hiked and enjoyed these trails ourselves, we felt naming our trail mixes after them might inspire others to go and explore all of the amazing scenery Vancouver Island has to offer. Below you will find a list and description of various hiking trails throughout the Island. For additional hiking trails and content, please visit our YouTube page. Enjoy!

Juan De Fuca Trail
The Juan De Fuca Trail, located along southern Vancouver Island’s west coast, stretches approximately 47 kilometers through pristine wilderness and along breathtaking coastlines. The trail takes between 3-5 days to complete, depending on your hiking style, and can be broken up into segments via 4 trailheads if desired. Each trailhead is home to day-use areas as well, all of which offer a serene environment to relax in.
Please visit the BC Parks Visitor website for more information.
West Coast Trail
The famous, West Coast Trail, is rated as one of the top hiking trails throughout the world. It is a trail which makes the bucket-list of many seasoned hikers. The trail extends for 74 kilometers along the southwestern coast of Vancouver Island and is well worth the commitment. We have been privy to all sorts of marine and wildlife while hiking this trail, including black bears, wolves, and whales. Come prepared for a challenge and a once-in-a-lifetime experience!
Please visit the Parks Canada Visitor website for more information.

Vancouver Island Trail
Although not yet fully completed, the Vancouver Island Trail is over 800 kilometers long and runs right through the heart of Vancouver Island. The trail spans from Anderson Hill in Oak Bay, Victoria to Cape Scott Provincial Park, just west of Port Hardy. We have only managed to hike sections of it but are looking forward to its completion within the coming years, so that we, too, can hike the entirety of it. Pack light and enjoy the mountains!
Please visit the Vancouver Island Trail website for more information.
Mt. Washington Trail
While the trail leading up to the peak of Mount Washington is a much shorter hike in comparison to the ones listed above, the views are just as captivating. At only 3.1 kilometers long, it provides a moderate hiking experience with plenty of lookout points. You won’t be disappointed. Have fun!
Please visit the All Trails website for more information.